Friday, December 31, 2010


last entry for 2010!!!

Every man should be born again on the first day of January.
Start with a fresh page.
Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary,
or let down one, according to circumstances;
but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more,
with his face to the front,
and take no interest in the things that were and are past.

today is the end of 2010!!...
there are too many interesting n bad happened in this year..
too fast to leaving 2010!!

just arrive at kuching yesterday.. so tiring day..
i'm drove from betong to kuching..

nothing to say...
tonight, my family and i will celebrate new year with seafood..
eating to much will help me to gain my weight.. heheh...

before i forget, today is my friend birthday.. mohd hanif hasan n salmah japar..
happy birthday to both of u... wish u all will success always..

got to go.. bye... have a wonderful nite on the last day of 2010!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

will be back to uitm soon..

uitm samarahan dah tunggu kedatangan student2 lama...
aku g kuching on 30 december 2010..
second last day for the year 2010..
sem ni aku perlu dok luar kampus...
huhuh... nasib baik ada juga kawan aku..
kira ok la..
the most important is bapa aku bagi aku guna kereta kat sana..

azam nak blajar rajin2... dapat dean lagi untuk setiap sem..
yang penting aku nak dapat first class bachelor... ----->
macam tu kot aku nanti... hahahha...
doa2 je la k..

last week kazen aku kawen..
so relatives dari miri come along..
bila diaorg ni datang.. riuh la rumah dikerjakan..
nak tau pa yang diarong kecohkan??
ofkoz cari benda pelik2 or buat teka teki yang buat sampai ketawa...
ketawa bukannya alang2.. sampai ketat perut..
haha.. sumpah seronok..
bukannya rumah kazen yang kawen tu riuh.. tp kat umah aku n pak cik aku..
hahah.. enjoy habis... mcm2 la aktiviti nak buat..
tp tak menjadi..
the most precious are g mandi kat swimming pool n g mkn seafood..
melantak seafood kat selera hujung kampung..
best makan ramai2..
terasa kenikmatan nya... haha..
we will do that again.. waiting for next wedding... hehe...

aku slalu pretend tak nak crita sal ..... ni...
tp pa yang dapat aku cakap skarang ni aku amat rindu dia..
hehe.... really need him..
oppss.. kantoi lak lelaki.. hee..

tak lama lagi dah nak masuk 2011...
sekejap sungguh masa berlalu...
opkoz bila tahun dah baru.. azam pun mesti baru juga...
nak tau azam aku??

1. nak naik kan berat badan aku.. target sampai 50 kg.. hehe..
2. save duit.. n guna duit dengan sebaiknya...
3. dapat seuaikan diri belajar peringkat ijazah..
4. ofkoz aku nak DEAN LIST lagi...
5. aku berada di samping dia selalu... (kih3..)
6. cuba jadi talkative lagi... (insyallah)
7. buat kerja baik.. (g umrah)
8. settlekan suma puasa yang lom ganti.. (hehe.. )
9. dapat scholarship

yang selebihnya biarkan kemudian.. xlarat nak list semua... haha..
hope semua ni dapat dicapai dengan sebaiknya.. insyallah..

aku rasa setakat ni la dulu.. klu ada masa ada la update b4 2011..
untuk last entry tahun 2010..
gtg.. hv a nice day.. :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

i will miss you ever and ever..

hari isnin lepas baru balik dari miri..
have fun dengan kawan2 kat sana.. heheh..
plan saya n cousin saya nak p btu pun tak jadi..
tak pe laa.. xda rezeki...
so hari jumaat malam tu aku p tido kat umah kaze. aku..
the next day aku p umah kawan aku kat kuarters hospital..
hagout ngan kawan2 yang lain.. best la..
p tengok cerita narnia.. layan jer la crita tu..
then g melepak then balik.. hahah..
n the next day, aku pun terbang balik..
nasib baik ada mal nak tolong hantar g airport..
thanx mal...

really tired... then last nite, he call me..
he said he going to mukah...
he have a problem to settle...
so, he need my help to get a ride to UITM...
immediately i say yes.. i may help you..
after he end the call, i ask for permission from my parents..
wahhh.. so proud.. they gv a permission..
my parents know him also.. so, there is no problem to going out with him..
boleh aku katakan 'guy' ni shy2 cat la pulak jumpa aku today.. hhahaha..
but i'm really happy going out with him today.. even for for a few hours...
but i really appreciate it..
thank to you 'guy'..
i will say, i really miss u ever n ever until we meet for the next time..
but, i want to hear you say you love me.. hahha.. just dreaming..
he ask me 1 special question.. hahah..
when you getting married??? don't forget to invite him.. hahha
he told he will not get married if he does not have his own money, car and own house.. hahah..
try if you can.. i thought your parents want to see you gtting married.

i will stop here... got to go..

Friday, December 17, 2010


last wednesday aku g miri..
warghh.. so long aku x g miri..
apa lagi dah dapat green light, on jak la..
hehhe.. tiket sponsor habis.. hehhe..

really tired tym datang.. kalau dah guna bas ofkoz la penat..
but, aku buang boring dalam bas aku berangan.. haha..
keep it secret.. gagagagga...

the next day (thursday)...
aku g kuar cari dentist dulu pagi tu..
menhampakan betul..
semua appoinment dapat buat bulan januari..
bgus aku check kat kch je...
then on the afternoon, g reunion kecil2 ngan miss subia..
kat marrybrown...bnyk la pulak crita.. hahah..
then, kitaorang g rumah ot8...
lama x jumpa minah ni..
dah tu g hantar masdah balik..
then g marina.. but, xlama.. coz mak reyn suruh balik...
so hntar la reyn balik.. then, aku, esyam n pjune g la mengisi perut yang kelaparan..
huhuhu.. gla juga rasanya driving sorang2 dari luak.. haisyh.. sabar ja la..

today (friday)..
g hang out ngan kazen mazen.. yuhuu.. memang syok giler..
memang meronda mall la.. hahha..
sempat lagi main bowling.. hehe...
celen dengan kazen n kawan..
hahha.. best sangat2..
then, g pasar malam... nothing different..
balik rumah....
tunggu kazen ambik...
n maybe esok g bintulu kalau tak de aral yg melintang...

need to rest.. really tired.. huhuh..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

hello miri... here i come!!


MIRI!!! here i come..
off to miri tomorrow using BINTANG JAYA BUS...
hehe.. hopefully handsome guy will sit by my side tomorrow. ahhaha..

last sunday, i attend my cousin's wedding...
really tired... can't describe how tiring i am..
that noon, my cousin sponsor me KFC.. hehhe...
really appreciate.. thank a lot...

huhuh.. no idea..
my cousin and i plan to go to bintulu...
i wanna meet with my mr right maybe.. hehehe..
i want to hang out with him.. hehehe...
my cousin also invite me to stay at her house..

got to go.. need to sleep..
nanyte all..

Thursday, December 9, 2010

my brightness day!!!


really happy this morning.. wahhh...

teramat n amat n sungguh gembira...

bg budak2 UITM tu tau la apa yang terjadi hari ni..

i just say alhamdulillah.. n already made sujud syukur...

like a dream i got that.. :)

super duper happy....

tambah2 lagi org yang aku tunggu2 call awal pagi..

and he told me about his result... so far so good..

he manage to get a better result... good then.. n congratz to u..

my besties also got it.. congratz.. i already said u manage to grab dean list...

no worries about that.. *happy*

bagi insan2 yang sudah janji iu jgn lupa ya.. hahahah..

but i still waiting for application to degree.. i wish i can continue my study in degree...

hope so.. even i had many 'killer paper' but i still manage it become A n A- at least..

but to sad, my elective paper got B.. 

wargh... really happy today...

gtg... working2.. 


happy mode never end in my life...