Tuesday, July 31, 2012

what a relief..

salam.. what a relief.. just now i got a short call from him.. such a caring call for me.. i miss ur voice too after a long period of time we didnt have any conversation.. hope, we will meet soon especially during aidilfitri that just around the corner.. i really miss to meet you.. ok bye.. happy mode..

Saturday, July 7, 2012


salam... lama x jenguk blog..
actually sekarang tgh "exam fever"
tp aku tetap nak update blog hari ini.. hehheh
aku teruja lepas baca blog someone..
tertarik dengan entri dia g KOREA...
terasa excited nak pergi juga... huhu...
mak n ayah, please give me a chance to go there... hehhe
insyallah one day akan sampai kat sana juga...
kalau dah travel nak lama2 sket... biar kasi enjoy berabis.. heheh..

the end...

p/s: nak sambung belajar balik.. hehhe