Wednesday, August 1, 2012

mixed feeling..

salam.. tomorrow will be a day.. what day is it? our result out.. hmmm.. btw, i have no intention to look forward for it.. unless my physically and mentally was fully ready.. last few day, i had checked my academic status.. yarh, what status did i got? hmm.. only 'LULUS' ... huhuhuhu where my "ANUGERAH DEKAN"? mixed feeling.. that what i felt from the day i knew the status.. however, i should learn to be thankful and redha.. i hope there will be any miracle happen.. my status change from lulus to anugerah dekan... huhuhu.. if i cant get ANC, my next target is FIRST CLASS BACHELOR.. i think that all.. thank for reading.. :-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

what a relief..

salam.. what a relief.. just now i got a short call from him.. such a caring call for me.. i miss ur voice too after a long period of time we didnt have any conversation.. hope, we will meet soon especially during aidilfitri that just around the corner.. i really miss to meet you.. ok bye.. happy mode..

Saturday, July 7, 2012


salam... lama x jenguk blog..
actually sekarang tgh "exam fever"
tp aku tetap nak update blog hari ini.. hehheh
aku teruja lepas baca blog someone..
tertarik dengan entri dia g KOREA...
terasa excited nak pergi juga... huhu...
mak n ayah, please give me a chance to go there... hehhe
insyallah one day akan sampai kat sana juga...
kalau dah travel nak lama2 sket... biar kasi enjoy berabis.. heheh..

the end...

p/s: nak sambung belajar balik.. hehhe


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

first entry aku 2012!!!

salam readers...

lama dah tak update blog...

niat nak update baru menjengah.. hehheeh

bnyak story nak dicerita sbananya...

tp tak tahu nak mula dari mana...

actually sekarang ni masih dalam minggu exam...

jumaat ni last paper...

then cuti semester... yahooo... happy nye...

aku bru terbaca entri aku yang lepas pasal nak g umrah...

later aku update k... padahal event tu dah berlaku tahun lepas...

now nak concentrate study dulu...

semngat nak last paper... :)

gerak lu..

