Thursday, January 27, 2011



entry paling bengang kot...
mok tauk pa dibengang ku???

(1) ofkoz sal marek... especially sal pondan ya.. haiya.... polah ku sakit hati jak eyh..
(2) cari post office xjuak tmu ritok tek.. polah kepak jak eyh...
(3) perut aku lapar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(4) exhausted giler........................ dah la tidur aher pagi tadik.. 2 jam jak tidur.. dahya lpas kelas tadik g bsn nak beli no pin MUET.. dahya sengal na carik post office..
(5) paling bengang kot... xpat g sabah... n jeles dengar cdak nak g sabah.. arghhh... g jak cya.. xda ku kesah.. g jak.. boh jak lalek org di ctok..

boleh ku katakan minggu tok nang banyak bad day jak eyh... haiya...
sengal bna eyh!!!!!!!!!!!

done.. malas dah nak merapu n segala dalam tok...


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

update time !!!


yahoo.. next week semester break...

tp x balit umah...
huhuh.. just balit umah kakak...
but, still xtauk nak polah apa tym cuti lak.. huhuhu..
layan movie jak kot..
azam baru nak blajar bagai nak rak.. hehe...
nak buat semua soalan past semester paper...
then g jumpa lecturer.. hehee...

tgah hari tadik g HEA dengan kwn..
coz nak g sahkan kedatangan g majlis penyampaian anugerah dekan n anc..
hehhe.. ada juak kawan nak neman g majlis ya lak..
majlis ya lak diadakan kat BCCK...
malam gyk polah event ya.. hehee..
can't imagine...

lpas tandatangan ya g plan nak g makan...
anita join sekali..
mekorg g la boulevard...
arghh.. punya la bnyak unexpected tragedy berlaku rtok..

hampir nak accident.. gara2 terkejut ngan keta depan tiba2 jak slow n break.. haisyh.. nasib... kereta kat belakang pun terkejut jugak.. kalau la berlaku accident, rasanya kereta aku yang paling terok.. coz terhimpit kat tengah2..

dah sampai boulevard.. then cari la parking.. aku tunggu keta tu kuar... mak ai, tak sabar btol org tua kat belakang tu.. siap hon lagi.. sabar la ckit pakcik oi... takkan aku nak langgar je keta depan tu.. kau nak bayar untuk aku ke?? dasar tak sabar memnag macam tu.. maaf lah pak cik ye.. sapa suruh tak sabar.. tak lari nye parking tu.. skali nak kuar, bukan nya satu...

aku p tunjuk beg kat kedai kat atas. tym ya tgah nait escalator.. tiba2 la ada sorang pondan tok g buang sampah dekat ngan escalator.. haiya... 'minah' perasan la pulak yang aku tok nganok nya.. perasan betol.... bukannya aku ngaok nya pun.. coma jak kenak anok "pakey jak tudung tapi ngumpat org"... fine, tq padah dakya, but sedar la dirik ya.. lagik la dosa besar sebab dah tukar jantina dikpun... who have a big sin??? aku ke kau??? tiba2 jak perasan aku anokkau.. pa kes... mok jak f2f ngan kau tek.. tp aku mok kau ya sedar... change your sex give a big on you!!!! taubat la ye... sesungguhnya ALLAH dah berik yang terbaik untuk kita..

aku sempat juak beli coklat DAIM tek.. hehhe..
terkenang tym skolah "adik" brik coklat ya.. heheh..
tq very much...

once again, aku terkenang balit kisah aku ngan nya.. haiya...
very sweet moment la katakan... hahhah..
esok dia dah nak balik.. so tugas aku nak kirim buku kat dia..
jgn kau buat mcm2 ngan buku tu.. buku org lain tu...
jaga baik2 ye..

azam aku untuk sem ni...
aku nak concentrate n faham semua apa yang aku belajar.. tak mustahil kan aku nak dapat 4 flat... hope aku mampu dapat pointer tu.. tak dapat 4 flat pun, dapat dean list jadi la...

aku nak guna duit dengan sebaiknya... no wasting gyk ok...

ambik muet dalam tempoh setahun n dapat good result.. jeles la tengok "adik" dapat band 4..
aku ni band 2 lagi tak tau dapat ke tak.. tapi doa je la yang terbaik.. huhuhu... hope dimudahkan...

yang lain tu biar la rahsia ye..


xda pa gyk nak tulis pun... i end my entry here.. take care everyone..
maaf la kalau ada yang terasa or whatever.. aku kan manusia lemah... mana kau tahu nak nilai aku camne kan... :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011



>> i miss him a

>> don't know what to do...

>>i want to study, but physically doesn't move to do that...


*i can change it...

*i want study after having a dinner..

*i wanna to sleep earlier tonight...

*before i sleep, i must make some preparation for tomorrow lecture... it could be happen..

*i wanna to message him tonight.. enough with wish good night..

*i wanna to have sweet dream tonight..

+if I really wanna to get loan from PTPTN, I must manage to get DEAN LIST every semester... no excuse ok...
+i must get DEAN LIST every semester... no excuse for that... i want to see the brightest face of my parents...
+i must understand all the lecture and i manage to solve the question given correctly...
+ and so on...

gtg... DINNER + STUDY + SLEEP = my life today...

have a nice day everyone...

no more idea... so stop here...

Friday, January 14, 2011

tiring day!!!


post kali tok aku nak coretkan dalam bahasa sarawak gyk..
hari yang amat memenatkan maybe...
aku pun xtauk pa nok polah kepak glak ritok.. huhuhu..

pagi tadik kelas just 2 igek jak.. tp awal hbis..
then petang ada AGM.. jadi ajk part 2 la pulak...
sabar jak la...

then balit umah kakak..
ngantok da jak driving balit tek..

last nite, kuar melepak ngan cdak farhan, ali n azie kat spring...
b4 that, mekorg g main bowling kat riverside.. best la juak..
but game paling trok kali.. huhuhuh....
around kol 10 bok la blit..

sampey rumah ku on call ngan mak ku..
bad news n change my mood immediately..
aku xdsuruh join cdak g sabah.. thanx a lot to say that to me...
thanx so much and very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it really hurt my internal heart..
wargh... my wish to go there already fade..
rasa malas dah nak g sabah.. tawar dah hati..
mun cdak nak propose mbak kali kedua i will say no..
malas dah nak pikir.. once you told that i will say NO for the next propose...
seriusly dah tawar glak hati nak g...
stop talking about that!!!!!!!

i miss him....
really miss him...
i cant lie to my heart anymore..
but, i cant tell him..
huh!!! it will make me feel very weird...

gtg... xda mood nak naip..
sorry.. gudnite...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

leisure time....

hari sabtu lepas aku, azie, bai, aimi n pjune pergi serikin..
housemate skali ikut pergi..
coz diaorg nak pergi cari tilam..
tp tilam tak dijumpa.. barang lain yang dijumpa.. hahahha..
opkoz, aku n kwn2 lain borong baju.. senang nak tawar..
ada kat satu kedai tu, empunya kedai macam muka zizan.. syez memang macam zizan..
apa lagi mula sesi membodek aku.. dengan senyuman manis n jelingan maut gitu... hahahh...
dapat la jugak turun harga..

then, dah hbis borong semua...
time to go back..
tiba2 la pulak si baijura ni cakap nak g gua angin...
on je la.. nasib tak hujan lebat..
ambik korang... rasa macam mana dalam gua...
dengan aroma bau tahi kelawar n keadaan yang amat gelap...
btw, enjoy juga la...
dah puas jalan dalam gua tu, kitaorg pun gerak la g satok...

housemate yang nak g situ sebenarnya..
tilam ada jumpa tp mahal giler...
so, kitaorg g makan jer la...
makan kat scr..

then, gerak pergi terminal ambik barang..
hantar barang g umah kakak pastu..
mengelak dari dengar bunyi bising suroh ambik barang..
maaf la ye kawan2.. lama menunggu...
hehee... menyempat melayan anak buah kejap..

then, g main go kart...
melayang rm60 sorang coz nak main benda ni..
tp puas.. sebab ambik all night...
best giler.... main sampai puas dari pukul 7.30 sampai kol 11.30 mlm...
dah puas main perut pun berkeroncong...
cari tempat makan b4 balik rumah..
last2 g gersik.... meratah nasi ayam penyet awal pagi..
ahhahaha.. dua kali dah makan ayam penyet tgh malam...

dalam pkul 1.30 balik rumah..
kol 2 macam tu bru la sampai ke rumah..
bayar hutang ngan ALLAH pastu baru tidur...

ahad aku n azie kuar lagi.. pergi bli printer..
aku menyempat skali la beli handphone...
handphone secondhand jer..
malas nak bli yang ori dulu..
untuk backup hp lama b4 nazak...
but its look new...

isnin bermula hidup kuliah untuk week kedua..
last night, aku dapat tau yang tarikh start kuliah dah ditetapkan...
amat berbeza dengan diploma n degree..
diploma start 30 mei 2011 n degree start 12 september 2011...
aku tak tau nak buat pa time cuti nanti...
nak cuba cari kerja..
kalau dapat jadi guru sandaran kot.. hehhe...
guru sandaran kat sekolah dulu..

i got to go..
getting bath n prayer...
bye.. have a nice day all..

Monday, January 3, 2011

semester 2 AC220!!!

we are already going into 2011...
happy new year everyone..
hopefully this year will bring many good thing than bad things..

today, i already start the class.. by the way, the class does not go on with lecture...
we just do ice breaking n thought about syllabus that we need to learn..
today, i only have 2 classes.. actually have 3.. but the class on the afternoon, we release by ourself..
because the lecturer did not come to the class..

so, my friend n i plan to watch a movie..
yahoo.. GULLIVER'S TRAVEL very best.. hhehee..
watch it out ok...
so we arrived at SPRING around 4.. but the movie start on 6.30 pm...
we took 3D..
there is no a big difference with the normal screen.. just we need to use the 3D spectacle...
so, when we use it, we can feel the story...
before we watch the movie, i bought the lens.. hahha...
so funny, first time it quite difficult to use the lens..
after i try n try again, yes i did it...

yesterday i went to the house did i rent.. i just need to pay RM100 per month..
hheeh.. ok la... than never..
really tired.. need to arrange the things that my friend n i need properly..

last night, we went to warong... wanna to eat because our stomach already starve for the food..
around 12.15 am we move on.. and arrive at home around 12.45 am...
a bit crazy thing that i need this year...

let me talk about him for a while..
the day before yesterday, he message me n wish goodnight..
yesterday, he told me that he already arrived at his hostel..
than he ask me about the house that i rent.
i'm still thinking, why he change like that immediately???
WHY???? WHY????
already he know the answer..
just know i noticed that he want to continue his bachelor at unimas.. wahh!!!
i'm feel very happy n lucky to hear that..

i think i need to stop here.. see you on the next entry..
bye2... have a nice day in the opening of 2011..